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An Inclusive Economy

Our team is developing an Inclusive Economic Development Plan in Johnson County and we need your help. This plan will highlight the opportunities and barriers Underestimated Community Members face when starting and/or running a business. 


Underestimated Community Members- people who are historically underrepresented and under-resourced in our communities. This includes Black, Latine, Indigenous, Asian-American, Immigrant, LGBTQ+, Women, Youth, Formerly Incarcerated/Returning Citizens, and People with Disabilities. This is not an exhaustive list.


We will be conducting interviews, hosting events, and gathering information through June of 2022, so please check back here for updates!


This work wouldn't be possible without the generous support of the Iowa City Area Development Group and GreenState Credit Union. Thank you to the Iowa City Area Business Partnership and the Multicultural Development Center of Iowa for their ongoing collaboration with our team.


Are you an Understimated Community Member who owns a business(es)?

We would love to hear all about your experiences and how we can make Johnson County a more inclusive place to live and work. 

  • If you would like to share a story


  • If you would be willing to take a survey


All information is anonymous and voluntary!

Please Click Here
Image by Tezos

Are you an Understimated Community Member who is opening a business(es)/have an idea for a business?

We would love to hear all about your experiences and how we can make Johnson County a more inclusive place to live and work. 

  • If you would like to share a story


  • If you would be willing to take a survey


All information is anonymous and voluntary!

Please Click Here
Image by Riccardo Annandale

Do you represent a support institution for small businesses? (eg. business partnerships, lending institutions, local governments, educational institutions, business hubs/communities)

We would love to hear all about your experiences and how we can make Johnson County a more inclusive place to live and work. 

  • If you would like to share a story


  • If you would be willing to take a survey


All information is anonymous and voluntary!

Please Click Here
Please Click Here
Image by Jason Goodman
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